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“Or Similar” When Renting a Car. What Does it Mean?

During an online car reservation, you may have noticed that when you look at the available car models for rent, next to the make and model of the car there is a note “or similar”. What this mean in reality and why the car rental company might not be able to offer the brand and model of the car you chose when booking?

25 Top Santorini Attractions & Places

There are so many things you can do on the beautiful island of Santorini, apart from being in one of its enchanting beaches. The top 25 Santorini attractions include: Villages, museums, wineries, churches, monasteries and many other places are on the list of the best sights we have prepared, suggesting a visit to those who come to Santorini.

Summer Driving Safety Tips

Summer has officially begun, at least in Greece and Santorini, and temperatures are already beginning to soar. While cars drivers are increased on the road, the trip can be challenging at times. Here are some summer driving tips, which will help you make the most of your summer travel plans.

More traffic

Summer is vacation time, which means more road congestion. This leads, some times, to traffic jams and frustrated drivers. Do your part to avoid things that can irritate other drivers. Be patient with drivers and remember that vacationers are not familiar with the area so they may make sudden stops or drive slow. Cooler heads should prevail as temperatures rise.

Child Car Seats Checklist

One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. You need to understand the different types of child car seats and the child car seat must be suitable to the weight of children and features side and front impact protection to protect your child in the event of a collision.

Where to Swim in Santorini – The Complete List

Where to Swim in Santorini? Santorini Holiday Cars shares his personal choices for best swimming beaches on Santorini, along with reasons why we chose the beaches, advices for enjoying your beach time, and photos. The Complete List: Red Beach, Perivolos, Vlychada, White Beach, Ammoudi, Perissa, Armeni, Kamari, Monolithos, Kameni, Akrotiri.

9 museums in Santorini for a complete view of the island’s culture

9 museums in Santorini for a complete view of the island’s culture.

Museum Of prehistoric Thera

The exhibition is structured in four units, referring to the history of research at Thera, the geology of Thera, the island’s history from the Late Neolithic to the Late Cycladic I periond (early 17th century B.C.) and the heyday of the city at Akrotiri (mature Late Cycladic I period, 17th century B.C.). In the last unit, in particular, various aspects are presented, such as the plan and architecture of the city and its organization as an urban centre, the emergent bureaucratic system, the development of the monumental art of wall-painting, the rich and diverse pottery repertoire, the elegant jewellery, the reciprocal influences between vase-painting and wall-painting, and the city’s and the island’s complex network of contacts with the outside word.

A virtual eruption of Santorini’s volcano

Every year, the municipality of Santorini offers a spectacular show for all the island’s cliff side to see which takes place once a year as an honor to all the guests and travelers that visit the beautiful island of Santorini.

A spectacular sight

A virtual eruption of Santorini’s volcano expected to create a spectacular sight is programmed by the island’s Municipality Geothira Company for September 2016. The show is unique, fireworks and flares over the volcano are being lit to recreate a virtual explosion.

Santorini owes a lot to this volcanic morphology and the presence of these active craters, which have given the island many privileges: from its unique agricultural products to its stunning and world famous image.

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